Williams Sound

Williams Sound, LLC, is a privately held, U.S. company located in Eden Prairie, Minn., a suburb of Minneapolis / St. Paul. The company was founded in 1976. We manufacture many of our products in our Eden Prairie plant and supplement our U.S. production with local sub-contractors and overseas partners. We also distribute select products from reputable suppliers that complement our own products, and we import carefully qualified accessory items such as earphones, headphones, and microphones.

R139 063.60 (R159 923.14 incl VAT)  

Simultaneous, two-way, wireless intercom system. Ideal for event production scenarios

R133 122.80 (R153 091.22 incl VAT)  

Simultaneous, two-way, wireless intercom system. Ideal for event production scenarios

R320.00 (R368.00 incl VAT)  

Single-sided, clip-on earphone ideal for use with personal listening devices