What You Need To Start A Podcast

Posted by   Ashley Beckton
06 Nov 2023

Podcasting has become an incredibly popular medium for sharing ideas, stories, and expertise with a global audience. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a passionate hobbyist, starting your podcast can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavour. However, getting started can feel overwhelming with the countless options and technical aspects involved. 


Choosing a topic and format for your podcast

Identifying your passion and expertise

One of the first things you need to do when starting a podcast is to choose a topic that you're passionate about and have some expertise in. After all, you'll be spending a lot of time talking about this subject, so it should be something you genuinely enjoy. Whether it's true crime, gardening, or obscure conspiracy theories, find something that makes you excited to hit that record button.

Researching popular podcasting topics

While it's important to pick a topic you love, it doesn't hurt to do a little research to see what's popular in the podcasting world. You don't want to be the only person talking about the history of lint, right? Look for topics that have a dedicated audience and see if there's a unique angle you can bring to the table. Remember, it's not about following trends but finding your voice within them.

Defining your unique podcast format

Once you've settled on a topic, it's time to think about the format of your podcast. Will it be a solo show where you share your thoughts with the world? Or maybe you want to bring in guests for interviews and discussions? The possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to think outside the box. Just make sure whatever format you choose aligns with your topic and keeps your listeners engaged.


Essential equipment and software for podcasting

Selecting the right microphone for your budget

Ah, the beloved microphone – your trusty companion in the world of podcasting. There are plenty of options out there, from budget-friendly USB microphones to more professional XLR ones. Don't worry too much about getting the most expensive setup right away. Find a microphone that fits your budget and delivers decent sound quality. You can always upgrade later when your podcast hits the big time.

Understanding the importance of headphones

While you're shopping for a microphone, don't forget about a good pair of headphones. They're not just a fashion statement (although they can make you look pretty cool). Headphones allow you to monitor the audio while recording and catch any potential issues like background noise or mic feedback. Plus, they make you feel like a professional DJ, and that's worth it in itself.

Exploring recording and editing software options

Now that you've got your microphone and headphones sorted, you'll need some software to record and edit your podcast. There are plenty of free and paid options out there, so take the time to explore what works best for you. Audacity is a popular free choice for editing, while software like GarageBand or Adobe Audition offers more advanced features. Remember, it's not about the tools you use, but how you use them.


Introducing our range of podcast equipment

You don't necessarily need expensive equipment to start a podcast. While high-quality microphones and headphones can improve sound quality, there are budget-friendly options available that can still deliver decent results. It's more important to focus on creating engaging content and providing value to your listeners. At Pro Gear SA, we have a full range of microphones and mixers available. 


Check out our range of podcasting equipment


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